Thursday, June 23, 2011

just some stuff

just a funished still life of a toy cat
 anatomy and construction practice
 sketch from both life and imagination

toy elephant still life incomplete

scene sketch which was meant to be colored in color pencil, but original copy got ruined by someone.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

bent figure

anatomy so obsessed with the human form....I think I want to do a clay sculpture next.....but I gave all my clay and tools away

Friday, June 10, 2011

The marker on the board was done weeks ago, the color pencils were done recently

Thursday, June 2, 2011

First update of june

Heres the first post of June.... anyways i was just messing around in my sketch book, and this pose kept bothering me so i finally decided to keep messing with it of course this is far from finished, I couldn't see what to do with the bottom half of the body so I just started doing knock out after knock out. The knock out on the leg wasn't even meant to be there, but oh well.